set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [] @ IRISH COFFEE Irish coffee is served in thick glasses, heated with very hot water, and with a spoon in the glass to prevent it from breaking. It is flavored with Irish whisky, not to be confused with scotch, and topped with about 1/3 inch of thick cream. Prepare your coffee in the usual manner, heat up the serving glasses with very hot water. Place the sugar in the glass, add 1 cup of coffee and a shot glass of whisky. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, then gently pour the cream over the back of a spoon so that it coats the coffee, rather than blends into it. Do not stir, drink the hot coffee through the chilled cream. @ 6 cups coffee 1 cup cr¸me fra”che Irish whisky sugar 1 pot very hot water @ 15 mn @ @ @ Ireland @ Desserts @ @ @